A Plant Medicine of Deep Presence and Peace
We choose our teas not only by sustainability and flavor/aroma, but also by the quality of qi, or energetic effects the tea produces.
Clean living teas contain the desirable qi that we use in practice, and reconnect us to our values of a clean Earth, clean water, a clean body, and a clear mind.
Tea is a gateway to spirit and meditative presence. It has been used as a plant medicine for thousands of years, and is woven into the fabric of all Eastern philosophies and spiritual traditions.
We practice a traditional ceremony that helps us slow down and develop a subtle awareness of the moment, as it is. With practice and patience, the Way of Tea can become the way we live our lives- slow, steady, and full of care. It is an ancient way for a modern world.
Tea can open many doorways into peace, presence, and stillness. As much as we can slow ourselves down, tea will meet us halfway and take us twice as deep. Clarity, calm, inspiration, and sometimes emotional releases can arise and pass. A meditative tea practice can help us perceive the world in higher definition, and ultimately live with more peace and presence in our daily lives.
Meet our Founders - Matthew and Iron!

Matthew Gordon Eklund
Matthew is an artist, musician and teacher. He has been practicing and sharing the wisdom traditions of yoga and meditation since 2010, and has an extensive background in plant medicine, personal development, music, spirituality and philosophy.
Matthew was Introduced to the Way of Tea at a time when he needed to slow down from a busy life of many projects, and cultivate even deeper presence and peace. The practice has deeply transformed his life and continues to do so.
Matthew is also the founder of Arco Isis Sanctuary, a transformational retreat center and home of the Mountain Sanctuary Teahouse, a pop up tea event house located in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala.
Matthew's joy is to share the deeper subtle aspects of Tea as a plant medicine, with the potential to reconnect us with natural states of peace, presence and awe.
Check out Matthew's introductory Tao, Tea, and Meditation course coming soon.

Iron Tazz
Iron Tazz is an avid hiker, camper, backpacker & artist who enjoys sharing his love for the outdoors. He decided to hike 2,660 miles from Mexico to Canada in 2013. This was life changing for him. From then on he has spent hundreds of nights backpacking into wilderness areas & practicing other forms of yoga and meditation, including a 30 day Sivananda yoga teacher training course & a 10 day silent Vipassana meditation course.
After being introduced to the healing properties of living tea & the peace that comes from Cha Dao he knew this was something he wanted to share with the world.
Iron currently resides in Union, WA with his partner and son Bodhi, and continues to explore the Olympics and enjoy tea in the great outdoors every chance he gets.